James Gang
Miniature Pigs

ROYAL Piglets are now AVAILABLE!! Visit our facebook page to see available piggy pics!
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Words From Forever Families
We LOVE to stay in touch with our babies Forever Families. We enjoy phone calls, texts, e-mails, and receiving photos and videos of all the James Gang Royal Mini's in their Forever homes with their Forever Family! We also believe that it is very important to have a list of references from families that have our babies and know first hand of their temperment, behavior, and size. We are shairng a few on here and if you would like to speak to any of them or with our vet, please e-mail us and we will get you into contact with them.

Bacon Bit
"We chose Bacon Bit to be the newest member of our family. Bacon Bit has been such a joy to have around and we look forward to the years to come. Bacon Bit has a human sister Kelsey and a black lab/German Shepard mix sister Sugar. Bacon Bit loves to cuddle and seems to always have a smile on her face. But when she is ready to play she plays with her mom and dad(Kari and Phill) or one of her sisters. Thank you James Gang for the perfect addition to our family."
~ Phill and Kari ~
"My name is Amy Stover. One day I was at work and got a message from my oldest daughter, telling me she saw an add of a pig. She sent me the picture and that was the beginning of a whole new pig life for me. I fell in love with her and didn't have a clue how good she would be or how big she would get or anything about Piggy pets. Within minutes I Google micro mini tea cup potbelly pigs. With in an hour I was talking to the James Gang Royal Pigs owners.
She told me about her and how big she would get and how smart pigs are. I was hanging on every word waiting to tell her I wanted her. They told me that they wanted full payment before she could put a hold on my piggy. I was sick because I knew I wouldn't have the money for another 6 days. I ask her if anyone had shown interest in her and she said yes a couple of others. I was sick because as beautiful as she is I know she would go fast. I was so excited about getting one of these 4 legged angels that she took pity on me and said if I would give her my word that I would pay her in full she would mark her sold.
I was the happiest Piggy mommy in the world. I hung up the phone and was jumping around the house because I was so happy. I named her that day.
I went out that evening and did some Piggy shopping. I bought her hair bows. Only one in every color. I bought her a box that we used as a litter box. I got her a pack and play, new blankets, some toys. Now all I need is Piggy Sue.
The day before we were going to meet I was so excited I couldn't sleep that night. The day we got her I got up and got ready almost like I was going to a formal occasion. Lol I couldn't wait to get my pink angel. Being me I had to be there like 30 minutes early so I didn't make them wait and hoping I would have 30 minutes more of her. Like a new mommy. When I saw Malisa and her family pull up I was so happy. I walked up to the truck and saw her face and it was over. I wanted to cry but didn't because I didnt want them to think I was crazy. I did the paper work and gave it back. Wanted to get Piggy Sue in my arms. She carried her around and I got in my car and Malisa handed her to me. I was so happy and Piggy Sue was as well. She never made a sound or try to get away. We had an instant conection. I snuggled her all the way home. She fell asleep and was nice and comfortable. The first night she wanted held all night. I think she missed her 4 legged mommy. We hand fed her with a spoon. And fed her as many time a day as she wanted to eat because she was so tiny. I took her to a Veteran to get her checked out to make sure she was as perfect as I knew she was. She passed with flying colors, and was the hit of the office. Of course she had to have a bow in her hair. I took Piggy Sue to Walmart shopping and I bet 25 or 30 people came wanting to take her pic. Every place we go I show her off .
Piggy Sue has brought me so much happiness. I do home health care and I have taken her with me to clients homes. They love her and she loves them. I have dementia patients and they can remember her and talk about her but can't remember my name and I'm with them everyday. Lol
If I had known how much joy she would bring I would have had a Piggy a long time ago.
Thank you to the James Gang Royal Mini Pig's for being so wonderful. I can call with a question anytime and they are very happy to help me with what ever. Jaedyn and Zea have done an amazing job at doing there Web page and and the care manual and info pages. You kids are great. Thank you for letting me become a Piggy mommy."
~ Amy S. ~

*Piggy Sue*

We highly recommend the James Gang if you are looking to purchase a pig. They are well educated on all things pig related, they keep up to date on new things and let you know what is good not so good out there for your Royal Pig. Once you purchase your pig that's not the end of their communication with you, if you ever have questions they are very quick to respond and help you even if you've had your piggy for years. We love our James Gang Royal Pig, Princess Piggerella! ~The Polesel Family

I saw on a FB piggy page an adorable little girl that was going to be needing a new home due to irresponsible original pig parents. I can't lie. I fell in love with her picture. Now I'd had my pig son for over a year at that point. So I felt it was doable getting a piggy daughter to add to my family. I'm so glad I did. Yes she needed time, patience, training and love to find her place in this family. However it didn't take long. Im totally in love with her. And The James Gang is a very cool loving family that I'm proud to be a part of. They've always been helpful,there for me regarding any issues that arise. And I just totally appreciate all the available knowledge and love that always there. Thank you guys for giving me my sweet baby girl. Love her so darn much. 😍 ~Lily

My wife got too looking at micro pigs. The website would always show small little pigs and have them priced from 1000 to 2000 dollars, I was very hesitant on the micro pigs, as a kid I raised pigs for FFA, and had a blast with my pigs, the first one was MissPiggy she would come when called and I could walk her down the road and she would follow my directions. Out of the options of animals while I was in FFA. I always picked pigs. I raised 3 of them, I never figured I would have one as a pet and part of the family. The one thing that impressed me with the James Gang Royal pigs is that they don't tell you something to make a sale. They don't Roy to say the pigs will be small or tiny. They tell you about the size they can get. In my experience they take great pride and joy in their pigs and their business. Well an opportunity has arisen to where we got another pig. So now we have two piggys. I know the first has brought such joy to our lives. And I am sure the second will as well. The James Gang will quickly respond to any questions that you may have. They give guidance and genuine care for you and your forever pig. If I would have to rate a business I would rate the James Gang Royal Miniature Pigs as top notch breeder and business. They care. ~John M

Oh where to even begin my review!..These people are just so sweet and knowledgeable. From the very beginning when I was just learning about them they were always very prompt to answer any question I had. And even still, I can message them with any problem and sure enough they are more than happy to help and give advice. I would definitely recommend them to anyone and everyone! They know literally everything there is to know about them. They are the real deal!...as for our pippy girl goes she is the best! They are such lovable pets! They LOVE attention. They are nothing like a dog or a cat they have their very own way about them! Pippy is not only our pet but she is our baby! I would definitely recommend getting one as a pet!