James Gang
Miniature Pigs

ROYAL Piglets are now AVAILABLE!! Visit our facebook page to see available piggy pics!
About Mini Pigs
Once we had our first piggy we instantly knew these were the pet for us! We want to give others the opportunity to experience how wonderful pet pigs can be!!
These are NOT potbellies, they are a breed themselves and have been for decades. They were created by medical research facilities with no intentions of marketing them as pets, but to create a smaller swine model for the rsearch. They have been a vital part of learning and have been very beneficial to gun shot and burn victims. They have helped in the research of diabetes, heart disease and transplants, dietary advances, and genetics. Many people who cannot find or afford true miniature pigs have crossbred them with large pigs to try to get a smaller pig, please do not get caught in that scam! Pure bred miniatures are rare and hard to find. We have put a lot of time and money into finding the smallest true miniatures.
Pigs are wonderful animals that make great pets! They are intelligent, readily trained, affectionate, curious, playful, clean, generally quiet, odor free, and hypo allergenic. They are also head-strong and sensitive. Each pig has their own unique personality, or as we call it Pigonality.
Mini Pigs posess a catlike personality, get along great with other animals and are an amazing pet. They are somewhat vocal, mild mannered, can be opinionated, and are very entertaining. Mini pigs can and will bring a smile to anyones face! For this reason, they are becoming very popular as emotional support and therapy animals :)
Contrary to popular belief, pigs are very clean animals. They litterbox train easily and at a young age because they are such clean animals. They will not potty where they eat or sleep. Pigs have no sweat glands so they are practically odor-free. Pigs can not have fleas.
Pigs are great for people who have allergies to other animals. They have hair not fur so they are very unlikely to cause any allergic reactions. They have a skin composition comparable to humans They are considered a hypoallergenic pet.
Pigs are very intelligent. They rank the 4th smartest creature on the planet. Humans are 1st, chimpanzees/apes rank number 2, whales/dolphins are 3rd, and pigs are Number 4! They have the intellect of a 4 year old child at only a few weeks old.
Miniature pigs are very easily trained. They learn to use a litterbox, puppy pad, or to go outside very easily and very quickly. They learn to walk on a leash and they enjoy time walking with their favorite people. They can learn to do all the tricks a dog can do but they learn them much faster because their motivation for learning is their very favorite thing ever....food. Training treats make teaching your mini pigs very easy. We have pigs that sit, spin, dance, speak, freeze (like in freeze tag), play the keyboard, walk on their back legs--forward and backward, and more! We are always teaching our piggies new tricks!
Mini pigs require A LOT of love and attention but are rather easy and inexpensive to care for. They need a quality mini pig feed, a yearly check up at the vet, a hoof trim a couple of times a year, moisturizer once a week (or more if you want to because they love to be lotioned) and a bath every couple months. They need to go outside to get exercise and to root a little. All in all, that is all it takes to make a piggy happy. They love to play and be cuddled. They love to have soft stuffed animals and blankets. Pigs love their blankets so much that they will even drag them around from room to room so they can roll up in them. They literally roll up in them to where it is hard to find them, it gives a true meaning to the phrase "pig in a blanket" because they love being in their blanket so much.
Mini pigs are a lifetime pet. They live 15-21 years. It takes them a bit to transfer trust as a baby to their forever family and it is even harder for them to transfer trust when they get older. Please take this into consideration when you choose to adopt a mini pig. When we say FOREVER FAMILY, we truly mean that your piggy should be with you for his lifetime.
Mini pigs are very SOCIAL. They love to be loved and cared for and are very loyal to their family. They will be friends with people as well as other animals The like to play and do tricks and show off and snuggle.
Mini Pigs make the perfect pet!
Cute Piggy Pictures.....