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About James Gang Royal Mini Piglets

What Makes our pigs ROYAL...



We treat ALL of our piggies like ROYALTY.  Our parent pigs and all of our piglets are pampered, spoiled, and loved so much! They are each and every one a member of our family :)  


OUR PROMISE TO YOU  We specialize in happy, healthy, well-socialized, small pet pigs. Our mini pigs are part of our family, and we love helping people find the perfect piggy to become part of their family! Our focus is providing honest answers about these unique pets. Owning a pet pig is a big responsibility, and they have different needs than cats or dogs. We want you to know as much as possible about mini pigs so that you are comfortable with taking your piglet with your to his/her forever home.  


We feel confident in offering our promise to you that we will not misrepresent ourselves or our pigs.  We assure you that we will tell you the truth (good or bad.)  If you ask us our opinion, we will give you our honest opinion.  If you ask us for advice, we will advise you on how we would handle the issue.  We want the best home for our precious piggies, therefore we will not jeopardize that in any way possible.  


We strictly stick by our 



because we want to build a good relationship between ourselves and our Piggy Families.


LIFE LONG PIGGY ASSISTANCE  We are here from the moment you pick your piglet and throughout your pigs life as a new pet pig owner.  We know you will have lots of questions and will need lots of support (we definitely did with our first piglet!)  We are here for you :)  We provide 24 hour e-mail assistance along with our office hours for phone calls to answer all your questions. We are here from the moment you pick your piglet and throughout your pigs life as a new pet pig owner. We call this Life Long Piggy Assistance.


SELECTIVE BREEDING  Our precious miniature piggies are the product of responsible selective breeding practices.  We have achieved much success by combining genetic management to maintain optical characteristic traits of the miniature pig such as size, color, intelligence, and good temperament   We have spent an endless amount of time doing research and traveling far to acquire the smallest piggy parents possible. We work with gentics and pride ourselves in each generation that we help along the way.   We keep very good records of our genetics so that we can match the best possible pig parents together.  We document genetics, size, color, temperament, personality, conformation, and size.  We are convinced that our exceptional breeding program is a result of passion and dedication for our miniature piggies and our commitment to the families adopting our sweet babies.


PIGGY SIZE   Our family piggies, at mature adult size, stand approximately 14" inches tall. Pigs reach full genetic size potential at 5 years of age.   When they are BABIES they are tiny.  They will fit into a pocket or into a teacup, that is where the name "Teacup Piggies" or "Pocket Pigs" comes from.  They stay small but will NOT fit into a teacup or pocket forever.  We work with genetics and pride ourselves in every generation we help along the way.  However, no one can force genetics or predict them 100% of the time.  We cannot guarantee the exact size or color of our piglets at adulthood, just as we cannot guarantee the exact size or hair color of your child at adulthood.  We can give you references of past piglets and a pretty good estimate on the size range. We can base this off our experience, research, past litters and piglets, previous pairings of pigs, and knowing the individual genetics of our breeding Pigs. 


We are often asked if we "weight guarantee" our Piggies and the answer is No and we want to explain why. If we were to go to our doctor and ask them to tell us the expected weight and height of our future children, our Doctor would respond "that would be based on the structure of you and your spouse's frame and they would give us an estimated size . They would add that  "Genetics plays a part , environment, exercise habits , and diet would also be key factors in this prediction ". James Gang Royal Mini Pigs feel the same way when we predict a piglet’s exact weight. We can give you an estimated weight based on piggy parent’s structure and also weights but the end results will also be heavy influenced by all the other factors. We give all piggy family's our care sheets, exactly how we feed our piggies, as well as lifelong piggy assistance. If you feel your piglet is getting overweight call us and we will help you, or make sure your on a correct diet plan. Please understand that mini pigs, though bred to be small, still have a very slow metabolism.  Mini pigs can gain weight easily when not on the correct diet!  We also will allow piggy families to make an appointment to visit our Adult Pigs prior to choosing their piglet. We want people to know exactly what they’re getting. But at the end of it all we do not feel we can offer a Guarantee on something we can’t control . In our experience piggy parents who are generally concerned with the adult weight of their piggy call often, feed exactly what we give them for guidelines, and they highly monitor their piggy's progress. Please never hesitate to call or email or text us.  Another large reason we don’t offer Weight Guarantee's like some breeders is because we have never found one we have thought would benefit our pigs or our customers. Many buyers get excited about other breeder's weight guarantee but never read the fine print. The best Guarantee we have found only gives you up to 10% for the first year and 10% for the second year of your money back if piglet exceeds weights limits. This means you cannot get back more than 20% of your purchase price if your piglet gets large. Quick math you pay $3000 for a piglet and only get 10% that’s only $300 max per year now times that by 2 equals $600 which means you still paid $2400 for a piglet. A lot of other breeder's warranty also have special terms and conditions.  We have read one that says piglet must go to the vet once a month for first year of life . Once you figure in your office call "$50 Times 12 months=$600".  We do not feel this is practical. We are proud to show off our pigs and how small they are. We are also very willing to help anytime or help anyone with ensuring their Piggy stays the correct size, but we will not promise something when the control is not directly in our hands but is also in the piggy family who adopt our piglets.  If anyone finds a Guarantee that they feel is off the charts amazing, please send it to our email.  We will review and consider it because we are always looking for ways to enhance  James Gang Royal Mini Pigs .


AVAILABLE COLORS Our colors include, but are not limited to: solid black, solid white, pink, black and pink, black and white, black and white pinto, red, red and white pinto, red and white, chocolate, apricot, apricot and black pinto, cocoa stripe, chocolate chipmunk, silver, siver and black pinto, silver and white, and titanium.  They can have brown, black, green, or blue eyes. 



SELECTIVE ADOPTION  Please research and know what is required of you before contacting us.  We are very picky about who can adopt one of our babies.  We will not let them go home with just anyone.  We reserve the right to determine when and to whom our piglets go to.  Therefore we will reject requests for our piggies if the situation does not seembeneficial for our piglet.  Our hope is that we will only place our pigs once in their lifetime.


It is with heartfelt loyalty that we join our piggies with favorable homes, ensuring them and their forever families endless years of happiness together.



LIFE-LONG PIGGY POLICY  James Gang Royal Mini Pigs recognizes that our forever-families have the best of intentions, planning to exceed their pets' basic needs with love and proper care for a lifetime. Occasionally though,  circumstances arise making it impossible for pet owners to keep their lifetime promises to their piggy.  In these cases, we encourage our piggy families to let us help find a new home for their Piggy .  Assistance from us may include posting on our Facebook page and making piggy placement calls who in turn will spread the word to friends and family.  If we have available space we can possibly bringing piggy to our piggy castle, until we can find new piggy parents .Our goal at James Gang Royal Mini Pigs is to see that none of our piggies end up homeless or burden an animal shelter. If you or your family would like to be added to our list of potential families please email us with  "Life-Long Piggy " in the subject line.  



GUARANTEE  Our piglets are guaranteed to be in good health and free from visible signs of infections, contagious or communicable diseases at the time of delivery.  We have all of our piglets using a litter box before they go to their forever homes.  We call them by  name because they learn their names very quickly.  


PRICES Our prices are determined on a piglet by piglet basis.  Each piglet is different and have different and unique qualities in themselves.  Some pricing factors such as breed, sex, size, color, color pattern, size, temperament, personality, disposition, conformations, and generation.  Generally prices start at $525.50.  James Gang Royal Mini Pigs does not sell pigs for breeding purposes, we only sell pet pigs!  


Any form of payment that is returned for non-sufficient funds or not excepted by our financial institution is subject to  $100 fee.  We prefer cash, money orders, and personal checks. We also accept, with an additional 4% charge, Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.



          Our prices include:

               * First De-worming

               * Needle Teeth Clipped

               * 4 month Supply of Food

               * Microchipping

              *  Health Records

               * A Vet List

               * A Contract

               * Family Pictures

               * Life Long Piggy Assistance

               * Lifetime Pig Plan

               * Health Guarantee

               * Piggy-Pak

               * Piggy Care Manual

               * Piggy Birth Certificate




* We prefer to supply the first four months of food for all James Gang Royal Mini Piglets because we think the transition from our home to yours will be easier on them if they do not have changes in their food.  Our Piggy-Pak includes a blanket, stuffed animal, a package of Zea's Homemade All-Natural & Healthy Piggy Cookies, and a folder of information about your piggy.  


These are the main reasons we believe JAMES GANG ROYAL MINI PIGS are the best choice for pet piggies.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email us!!  We LOVE talking about our piggies :)









Why Choose James Gang Royal Mini Piglets

Our Available Piggies


Good stuff for good pigs

Pig Grooming?

No problem!

Friendly Pigs

James Gang Royal Mini Pigs are friendly loving piglets. They love attention and playing with their family and other pets.

Care & Training

Mini pigs are very easy to train! They learn super fast with their favorite motivational!


Keep them healthy

Mini pigs are pretty hearty but if you have a sick pig you want to have a vet that you know and trust.

Your piggy needs to be loved! They are sensitive creatures who can get their feelings hurt :(

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